Thursday, October 21, 2010

Small Claims judge buys the circus act.

Judgment was entered in favor of Barks of Love and it's founder on the case no. 10M40196. Despite overwhelming evidence that a debt was owed on two different accounts, Cindy Ross's claims of "rapist" and "animal abuser" seem to have swayed the judge. More to come.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A true blue fan AND chats published.

Thanks to the really frequent visitor who can't keep from checking in on RW. Like every 5 minutes.

Just subscribe. It's easier and you'll have more time to stir the cauldron. But really, what are you expecting to find by coming back over and over and over again...all day and all night? Give it a rest. Rescue a dog or something, why don't you?

Well, he said it and we guess he meant it. Almost 4000 lines of G-chat have been posted for all to peruse. There is no doubt who the chatters are and it's all verified right there on the good ole web. The link? It seems to be circulating. We were asked not to post it here. So, we won't. If we ever get through the hours and hours and hours of incessant, insecure and juvenile babble by our favorite rescuer and yours,-- and if we find a good tidbit, we might post it. Check back.

Every five minutes.

And the hits just keep on comin'! Kim Henricksen?

Who is Kim Henricksen and why is she so eager to jump into a war she knows nothing about?

    • Kim Henriksen
      Jeff de la Rosa: Damn. I'm gonna go meet her and see what she needs. I'm in L.A. and yes, have other dogs, and yes, I'm experienced with bully dogs...and no, I'm not an "animal abuser"...or even a "rapist" contrary to some allegations. :)
      W...See More
      10 hours ago · · 1 person ·
    • Kim Henriksen I'll send you what I have
      9 hours ago · ·
      9 hours ago · ·
    • Jeff de la Rosa
      Ever hear the saying..."crazy girl?" Scorned lover? Those charges were dropped by both the DA and the City Attorney..why? No evidence of an assault
      Sure, I was arrested. A woman claims a man hit her and he gets arrested. That's the way it is...See More
      27 minutes ago ·
      24 minutes ago ·
    • Jeff de la Rosa
      What happened to this comment?
      Kim wrote:
      "Jeff why do I see proof of you being arrested for assulting a woman who served you papers & court cases against you for sooo many things? As well AS ANIMAL ABUSE. These arent fabricated? All people h...See More
      23 minutes ago ·
    • Jeff de la Rosa You see cases against me for animal abuse? Where? That, my dear Kim is LIBEL and you're welcome to join the long list of defendants. Step right up. Let's pull up everyone's public records and see what's there. Shall we?
      21 minutes ago ·
    • Jeff de la Rosa Fine...I'll post the chats with that person...with IP addresses...all of it. Want the dirty pics she sent too? Just say so, or, you can come to the trial. You don't spend the time and money to sue people if you have no proof. Want the failed tests scores, too?
      17 minutes ago ·
    • Jeff de la Rosa I'll tell you what, Kim...let's see you and your finances and credit record after battling the City of Los Angeles for 5 years. Let's see how many people you piss off because you will not back down and allow your innocent dog to be killed. Can we see that , please?
      12 minutes ago ·

Monday, October 18, 2010

Unreal show of true colors...

Remember that dog, Tux? Well, it turns out that Barks of Love is now claiming to have "regained posession" of him by means of Los Angeles Animal Services. Right.

Barks of Love appeared as a defendant today in Los Angeles Superior Court over a breached boarding and training agreement and for medical bills for a dog mauled by Tux a.k.a. "Brody."

Previously, Barks of Love people claimed, in writing, that Barks of Love "people" found Tux in a crate "three sizes smaller than him" (possible?) and that he was "abused" and lying in his own feces with broken ribs and was "double-muzzled."

Now, however, Barks of Love claims that L.A. Animal Services delivered Tux to Cindy Ross of Diamonds in the Ruff Rescue who then transferred the dog to Barks of Love. L.A. Animal Services records show no such impound and no such delivery. Whoops! Anyway, that was their story in the courthouse for case number 10M04196 (one of several to which Barks of Love is a party).

It was an ugly scene in court as Cindy Ross testified, under oath, as a witness (the judge reminded her that she hadn't really witnessed anything and kept having to ask the defendant and the witness to only relay "facts") but mostly she claimed that the plaintiff, Jeff de la Rosa was a "rapist" and a "molester" and an "animal abuser." The gallery laughed, but at what we do not know. After the trial (about $1500 is claimed owed by Barks of Love and it's founder) the Barks of Love "gang" and Ross harassed de la Rosa , screaming at him down several floors via escalator until, finally, 2 L.A. Sheriff Deputies held them up so that the plaintiff could safely exit the building. Nobody told them, I guess, that ranting and raving at a court trial doesn't win a case. It just makes you look crazy...and guilty.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Tide turns against Barks of Love as the public clues in...

More than a year after a false police report, a burglary,the theft and conversion of dogs and a vicious libel campaign, Barks of Love is still at it--shooting themselves in the paw--again.

Just today, more libelous comments about Jeff de la Rosa were posted by "BarksofLoveRescue" on a post about a cute puppy in need of adoption (it was adopted). The comments were removed by Facebook because they violate the terms of service, but not before they were grabbed by a sharp reader.
Misinformed Facebookers like "Just (insert weird symbol) Foranimals" and "Diana Ybarra" seemed to want to join in the libel until a good soul  set everyone straight in a comment (one of over 200) on this post for a very adorable pit bull puppy. A link to the lawsuit mentioned was provided by de la Rosa for clarity. "Rescuers" are so quick to pass judgment and condemn on a whim. Some will, no doubt , have to learn a tough lesson when the gavel comes down on Case # BC443766 in Los Angeles Superior Court. There were others who questioned Barks' statements who were reluctant to accept Barks' ALL CAPS claims that Jeff de la Rosa is an animal "abuser" without some kind of proof. None was offered. The thread is located here.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

All the way from Halifax

Rescue vs. rescue is not a local phenomenon. Apparently, it's not even an American thing.  A lawsuit to be filed in U.S. District Court against a Ms. Joan Sinden, controversial poster of the dog blog, Me and my dogs in Halifax Nova Scotia (no, poor grammar is not at issue), claims that Sinden is more than just a little wacky. She's also vicious. It seems that Sinden, who is loved by her tiny fan club and despised by others, has a habit of misappropriating images belonging to others and using them to harass those people.

Also in the suit, are claims of defamation of character- libel and others. Sinden made herself widely known by attacking the owner of the famous death row dog, Brindi, owned by American Francesca Rogier  recently of  Halifax. Those attacks boosted her readership who are most often treated to pictures of her dogs in various cute positions and horribly written "news" pieces consisting of more misappropriated content.

We'll just have to see what develops once her lawyer responds to the suit. We'd post a copy of the complaint, but to be fair, it hasn't been served yet.