If, "as per" a fraudulently-obtained restraining or protective order, one is "protected" from another, and the protected party wants to nullify her/his own order of protection (which was granted based on perjury)... and have their own personal adversarial protective order to worry about...just send an e-mail like this one to your "alleged" "stalker":
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Subject: Did you enjoy your day in court? :)
From: Barks of Love Rescue
To: jeffrey.delarosa@gmail.com
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=001636284f88e30e0c048e0fe94a
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By the way, on behalf of Barks of Love, here is a picture of Brody -
being a lap dog :)
As per your boardwatch post, you claim that this "lap dog" mauled your
dog Maeve and that Barks of Love must be inappropriately representing
him, as well as your claim that Barks of Love holds pit bulls for
years! We rescued Brody just about a year ago and so he is now the
longest dog Barks of Love has had. We do have a lot of potential
You like to claim that you don't engage in defamation...ha! Don't
defame a dog!!! Posting false information about a dog is actionable
by law! You must know that mr lawyer!
We also have many videos of him playing with other dogs. In fact, he
currently lives with 2 yorkies, a poodle and a pitbull puppy!
Barks of Love
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Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="P1010160.JPG"
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Dear readers,
I suppose that "defaming a dog" might be actionable (you can sue anyone for anything...can you win? Can you afford to find out if you can win?) if one gets a very tolerant and not-too-busy-judge who will let one waste his/her time on revenge claims....and, if one can prove damages. It's a little different in Los Angeles Superior Court case no. BC44xxxx or no. 10M04196--status: DEFAULT JUDGEMENT VACATED- NEW TRIAL ORDERED. DEFENDANT ADDED...That's what happens when one doesn't show up and thinks that one has "won", and is so brash as to require a little poke fest on your Plaintiff (that's the one who sues...unlike some $100K educated legal professionals/ Defendants sometimes designate themselves as "Plaintiff" on their change of address forms Hmmm...October is just around the bend.
By the way, readers, this (hi-res pictures uploading...)
is what the "lap dog" is capable of, so when adopting a dog from your local rescue, be sure to check out the local court records for those working at the rescue before you bring home "Tux"/"Brody," 70 lbs. of flesh tearing, surgery causing, unrelenting, dog-aggressive, male pit bull "lap dog..." which just might kill something you love---or, maybe the "rescuers" just might steal something you love. That's how they roll.
This dog, Tux , alias, "Brody" is a great dog...for someone who has no other animals and who has extensive near-professional experience with highly aggressive, predatory and territorial dogs. What kind of dog needs 10 months of professional full-time training? Oh...nice prong collar. Lap dogs need with 10 months of intensive training seem to need leashes while being photographed in the laps of naive and brainwashed volunteers?